I was looking for something simple to make to give to my niece as she finally got around to getting her driver's license (she's 18). Since she only has her car and house key on her keyring, she mentioned it looked silly without anything else on there. Not a problem, I can fix that *s*
Bag of keychains from the Dollar Tree
Jewelry wire
Alphabet beads
Colored bead(s)
Alphabet wood tiles from Michael's
Mod Podge Dimensional Magic (or any sealant)
Small pliers
The jewelry wire that I used is actually the 3" long stick pin looking (as in I really have no clue the name lol) wire. I put a colored bead on the end, followed by the alphabet beads. The tricky part, since I've actually never wrapped wire before *gasp*, was making the circle and wrapping it around, but I found using 2 sets of pliers really, really helped.
I Podged the wood letter to make it water resistant, then used more wire to create a loop and hook it onto the main attaching loop.
I thought it turned out kinda cute, and best part...it was easy!!
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