My what you may ask? Basically everyday I take a picture of something that happened during the day and I post it with a little detail about the photo, like the whys, wheres, how comes. You get the picture, well, I guess literally, you'll get 365 of them!
Photojojo has an article on it, just click on the website name and take a peek at it. I think it is a pretty cool idea.
I will prolly post a few days at a time, just so I do not get overwhelmed. I know if that happens, it's all over with and this won't be fun anymore, and I don't want that. This is supposed to be fun!!
Ok, I know, you're thinking that this is supposed to be a project for the new year, but this has a purpose. Last year had some very rough times in it, and these are here to remind me that 2009 is going to be better. The first one is the hot water tank that decided it was time to move on. It did get fixed on the 30th, but since I rent, I had no say in what replaced it. Imagine my surprise to see that it shrunk to a 40 gallon tank that had a sticker on it from 2001! The first time I run out of hot water...The second picture has an airplane in it. Yes, it does, I swear, I was there, I saw it take off, lol. That was a very sad day. My step daughter has never been with us for Christmas morning (she's 17), and she had the opportunity to fly here to spend it with us. That was her dad's present, and boy was he surprised!! She flew out on the 29th, and this picture was taken across the street from the airport.

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