Sunday, November 28, 2010
30 Days of Thanks - Day 28
You'll love this I'm thankful for blonde hair dye. I know, I just dyed it for Halloween, but I've decided I don't want to be a brunette anymore, so I'm trying to go back to somewhat my original color. I was starting to look funny with lighter roots than my hair color lol. Now my hair has that funny smell, but I'm happy.
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 27
If you are an Ohio State fan, today is a good day. We pounced all over Michigan...woohoo!!!!!!!! If you have never seen where the band comes out in the field and does the script, it's a must watch. I could never keep it straight, these are some very talented band members.
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 26
Yeah for Black Friday sales!! Today I Christmas shopped for myself *shame on me I know*. MPT & CILM were having sales, and I also had to stop by Weeds & Wildflowers. I love the "Sweet and Simple" line that they design and I'm desperately trying to catch up on kits. I also stopped off at Peppermint Creative to pick up some really great templates and some embellishments. A day of shopping from my desk...nothing better...well, except for shoe shopping lol.
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 25
Today I am very thankful that I'm not cooking a turkey dinner! Or cooking anything for that matter!! I still had to work, but when I got home, we met my inlaws and went to Cracker Barrel for a very tasty turkey dinner. I'm very blessed that they treat me as if I was their own ♥
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 24
After being at the shop, I was able to come home and play in PSP til someone heard my wish that I was craving Mexican. Thanks to my mind reader *s*
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 23
Someone that I helped at work told me how I made her whole day, sometimes you just need that.
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 22
Mother in Law had brought over a Macaroni Grill lasagna dinner that she bought when she went to Sam's Club. One of the stick it in the oven, an hour later, dinner's ready. That in enough is something to be thankful for!!
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 21
Definately thankful for a good day at work today!
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 20
Today was a great day! Hubby and I were up early to run errands and he insisted that I have to try a hot chocolate from McDonald's. Thanks to him I have a new addiction lol. After he pried the cup from my hands we drove up to Cleveland to go to a motorcycle show. It was the first year for it, but it was pretty neat. Lots of bikes there. Here's a pic of a gas tank that was on one of my favorites.

30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 19
Since Scott is out of town, his parents took me for Chinese (yes twice in one week lol) so I wouldn't have to eat dinner alone. Awwwww.
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 18
Rachael came back to work today...I missed having my partner in crime! Thank you for saving me from a miserably doomed life of being a good girl!
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 17
My mommy took me for Chinese/Japanese for lunch today...thank you mommy!
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 16
Two words for what I'm thankful for today - Jax Teller ♥
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 15
After work we took a long roadtrip because hubby is sometimes forgetful. Nice spending time with him ♥
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 14
After work was a peaceful two hour nap. Ahhhh...I'm thankful for my comfy bed and pillow.
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 13
I spent my whole day with hubby enjoying an unseasonably warm temperature. He was at the farm, so he called me first thing in the morning to see if I wanted to come down and take some pictures. Who am I to pass that up?! We watched the deer play around for a few hours, then we went to Cabelas, and enjoyed a wonderful late dinner at Cheddar's. It was a three hour drive home, but it was so worth it. Here's a picture of two does sticking their tongues out!!

30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 12
Ah...PSP time...almost as good as shopping! Today I am very grateful to each and every tag/scrap designer out there. You're all very talented and keep up the beautiful work!! I'm especially thankful for the ones that I CT for. Thanks girls, you're the bestest *hug*
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 11
Tonight I get to enjoy one of my guilty DVR'd House & Bones. So that means today I'm thankful for my Scientific Atlanta that delivers me my Dr. House & and the ever so hot Booth!!

30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 10
Today is my day to spend my day off from computers at the shop with Scott. I'm thankful that we can work together in the same place and still enjoy each others company. I look forward to each and every time *s*.
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 8
So today I'm thankful to Bill. Bill sits kinda sorta near me at work, and he brought me a Reese's Cup today. Today is a good day!!
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 9
I'm grateful for my furry little minions that keep me warm when I'm cold. They also remind me that I'm always loved. Ok, well, I'm really reminded that I'm the purrrveyor of food, but you know. Here's a picture of what Miaya looks like when I refuse to leave my computer to feed her lol. Doesn't she look pleased?

30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 7
Today was the first snowfall for the 2010 winter season. The first one is always so fun, fluffy, and almost magical because it came at night. And yes, I did go outside and try to catch snowflake on my tongue =) So, for today and only today, I am thankful for the snowflakes.
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 6
Today I am thankful the the fact that I have a home to clean. I may gripe about it, but I am thankful that even though the economy sucks, I am able to keep a roof over my head.
30 Days of Thanks
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Thursday, November 11, 2010
30 Days of Thanks - Day 4
What am I thankful for today? The mass amounts of compliments I have received since I decided to dye my hair dark brown after being blonde for the last 37 years. It's definately a change, but I do like it =)
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 3
Today I am thankful for my day off! I spend Wednesday's at the family machine shop doing cleaning, any paperwork, and whatever else I need to catch up on. I love the extra time I get to spend with Scott.
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 2
I'm thankful to my inlaws that treat me like their daughter. They made dinner for Scott and I, and it was absolutely delicious. It was a nice break from cooking each night. When they make dinner for us, I always like to do the dishes and help clean the kitchen to show my appreciation.
30 Days of Thanks
30 Days of Thanks - Day 1
I wanted to share the things in my life that I'm most thankful for since this is the time when we should remember to be thankful and not ungrateful for all the daily blessings that are presented to us. I saw this idea on a few other blogs, and sometimes I do take things for granted, and I thought this might help me appreciate the simple things more. So, for hopefully all of November, I will remember to post all the blessings that I have in my daily life.
Day 1 - Even though there are days when my job drives me absolutely insane, I am still thankful, especially after a year of unemployment, that I do have a job to wake up to every Monday morning. I work with some amazing people, so I count them in this blessing.
Day 1 - Even though there are days when my job drives me absolutely insane, I am still thankful, especially after a year of unemployment, that I do have a job to wake up to every Monday morning. I work with some amazing people, so I count them in this blessing.
30 Days of Thanks
Saturday, November 6, 2010
It's Only Been Two Years...
Only two lol. I had this blog set up in 2009 for my 365 project and you can see how far that got. I took the pictures for like three months but never posted any of them. I at least had good intentions.
You're prolly wondering then why am I posting now and how did I get through the dust and cobwebs. I've always kept a blog on my website, but I haven't kept up with that lately either (gee, I'm sure you're shocked by that little tidbit). Since I have my design blog, I figure nobody wants to read my daily babble, they're there for the tags, not the ramblings of a delirious blonde. When things happen during the day, I do at times want to share it with everyone, so I've decided to start blogging again. This way I can go on and on about the things that are important to me: my family, photography, scrapping, recipes, you get the idea. So keep your eyes peeled for lots of good things!!
You're prolly wondering then why am I posting now and how did I get through the dust and cobwebs. I've always kept a blog on my website, but I haven't kept up with that lately either (gee, I'm sure you're shocked by that little tidbit). Since I have my design blog, I figure nobody wants to read my daily babble, they're there for the tags, not the ramblings of a delirious blonde. When things happen during the day, I do at times want to share it with everyone, so I've decided to start blogging again. This way I can go on and on about the things that are important to me: my family, photography, scrapping, recipes, you get the idea. So keep your eyes peeled for lots of good things!!
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